Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Telematics technology to win consumers

2014, 70% of consumer electronics devices will be connected to the Internet, the digital lifestyle extends to the vehicle. Therefore, a key question - how the automotive and consumer electronics technology to optimize the customer experience?

Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) 2012 11 20,

Mercedes - Benz, Ford, Honda and other leading automotive original equipment manufacturers to the stage in Las Vegas on January 7, 2013, to discuss how to meet consumer demand for a smooth, seamless vehicle infotainment system and HMI solutions, the vehicle consumer information and communication exhibition on the day before the International Consumer Electronics Show.

In the active interface technology has been proven to drive a car purchase decisions, market infotainment system alone is set to grow 7.3% year-on-year of $ 35.89 billion in 2013, and as a result of the telematics value chain is to study how the company can take The advantage of the most effective growth in this vertical.

Consumer Information and Communication exhibition is the largest B2B Forum and the key to start, this year's activities created specifically for the key to unlock the value of telematics technology innovation in technology and business strategy issues within and outside the U.S. market to answer. High-quality, seamless, personalized end-to-end connectivity experience is at the top of the agenda of the drive.

John McLaughlin, national manager, cross in the Toyota product line planning, the declaration, the CTS is your one-stop service, to get on board the latest technological innovation, promote change in telematics. Now in its 11th year, CTS is the world's largest forum dedicated to again in the United States and in-vehicle infotainment system and HMI also has a special theme OEM announced a new service, in 2013.

The race to the combined consumers leave the vehicle, the vehicle lifestyle

The tipping point in this lucrative, even car services, consumer telecommunications in 2013 (January 7, Las Vegas), marks a key development in the consumer telecommunications industry. Linking and Embedding on the horizon, it is important ecosystems joint became involved in 2013 and to maintain the loyalty of consumers, through the set up a bridge between the external and internal car life.

2013 CTS's high-level speakers, including the Mercedes - Benz, Ford, Audi, Chrysler, Toyota, Subaru, Honda, Porsche, KIA and many will address key infotainment system and HMI key topics, such as:

Create your application delivery strategy: assessment application availability affect the form and function of consumers' purchasing decisions and debates related equipment in the vehicle by a tethered solution, embedded, hybrid, or the arrival of the cloud, HTML5 using an HTML 5 functionality ecosystem and its value is set to AUTO WORLD: to create a flexible, cross-platform, non-proprietary solutions for the automotive environment, enabling developers to build a profitable balance NEXT-GEN HMI application host DOT Guide: discuss innovation HMI technology, such as touch, gesture and audio landscape full of driver distraction concerns, to ensure your compliance solutions will be based on cloud applications UP TO automotive standard specifications, customers' expectations of high quality and powerful rendering application, and to ensure the smooth transition of driver, when it comes to cloud-based integration of mergers and acquisitions in the vehicle of a brave new world to hear directly from Hughes Communications, Inc. and Verizon Wireless, the Telematics industry because they say it's the first major acquisition, and to predict its impact on the development of the market from 2013 to 2020

With the introduction of unique OEM 350 + EXEC representatives, 25 + the senior management telematics speaker and 10 + enterprise-focused meeting, CTS 2013 the largest business intelligence and online forums CE, telematics, digitized mobile and wireless industry.

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