Thursday, November 15, 2012

Application for Shares of Delphi Automotive Paulson cut Hartford

New York-based hedge fund Paulson Delphi Automotive the PLC 25 million shares, 32 million shares and 19 million shares, 31 million shares to reduce the Hartford Financial Services Group Limited.

Earlier this year, Paulson put pressure on Hartford to take dramatic steps, which have risen 25 percent this year to improve the price.

Support has long been the gold stocks, Paulson, Gold Fields also cut his stake to $ 650 million. Since the beginning of this year, the gold price has fallen by 22%, his largest loss of funds.

The Paulson filing on Wednesday, 6:44 PM accepted system of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the deadline to submit these reports November 14. However, as many managers presented their application at the last minute, the lesson to heavy taxes, which means that Paulson's filing only on November 15, for public viewing, people familiar with the situation said.

Fund managers must be submitted to the quarter's 13F holdings report described in detail within 45 days after the end of the first quarter, application deadlines PM EST 5:30 (2230 GMT) Wednesday.

Paulson, rise and roll to capture the attention of the investors return, he held financial stocks also made adjustments in the past year - and seriously hurt him in 2011.

In the third quarter, he was half of his shares, Capital One Finance Corporation is no longer listed in the JP Morgan Chase & Co as a holding. He bought more U.S. companies warrants row.

After billions of dollars in bets on the housing market and the gold in 2007 and 2010, Paulson now appears to be his biggest portfolio, strengths and advantages plus funds again recorded losses, losses in 2011 long-term downturn.

Paulson also reported that upped his shares from 850 million shares to 13.5 million shares, making him the fourth largest holding in his life technology company, AngloGold Ashanti Holdings Limited SPDR Gold Trust Fund and Delphi Automotive.

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